Solidarity And Action Day With The Workers of Turkiye 25/04/2024
Dear Colleagues,
Following the decision of the 43rd RETUNSEE Presidium meeting, where we have agreed on the SOLIDARITY & ACTION DAY for the year 2024, we are enclosing a poster for your further use and interaction.
This Year’s Action is dedicated to the workers of Türkiye and will take place on Thursday 25th of April 2024, same day with the 12th Executive Committee meeting of our Network in Istanbul, under the Slogan “Struggle for A Living Wage!”, the struggle of the workers of Türkiye is our struggle too!
With our action, we want to emphasize that Unions have a big role to play. Workers in Turkey, as all friends in other countries, they know very well that only the struggle for their rights can lead them to achieve their goals. It is common sense that if workers stand together they can meet their demands. Only the common actions of the workers have positive results in terms of economic, social and political benefits.
Please, promote the Solidarity and Action Day as much as possible on your website and your social media pages by using the attached poster. You can also print this poster and take photos in your workplaces and in your Union meetings.
We are kindly asking you to share with us your actions, photos, posts etc.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Mitja C. Fabjan
General Secretary