Accident in Oil Refinery Brod – BiH

Dear colleagues from the Network,

These days we have heard the sad news that on 9th October, 2018 at 21:30 there was an explosion at the Oil refinery in Brod in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. On that occasion, one employee was killed and 10 employees were slightly injured. Explosion caused great material damage on the processing unit “5”, and afterwards fire damaged a part of the processing unit “4”. All workers are members of the Independent Trade Union of Energy sector of Republic of Srpska, organized in Trade Union Organization “Oil Refinery” Brod.

In this sad moment we want to emphasize, as the largest energy trade unions network of SE Europe, that we are very sorry for the loss of our member and the health problems of injured colleagues. We express our deep condolences to family of deceased colleague and for injured colleagues we want them to recover without consequences.

We give full support to Trade Union Organization “Oil Refinery Brod” for a professional determination of the cause of the tragedy as soon as possible and for making every effort to respect all safety measures at work, in order to prevent similar accidents and preserve the health and lives of our members.

In solidarity